Bay consulting team engaged to review amendment to the existing Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Act and make recommendations
Prior to the passing of a bill associated with the amendment of the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Act, the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa engaged our consulting team to review the existing content of their bill and make recommendations prior to the final reading of the bill. Based upon our involvement with Washington, DC with establishing certain import practices and procedures pursuant to the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Act and the Clean Air Act, the final reading of the bill was delayed by the House of Commons pending our technical report and recommendations.
Our review indentified weaknesses within the present legislation that historically allowed thousands of non-complying and salvage vehicle to enter the Canadian commerce overlooking quality assurance and safety. It also detailed the lack of a mechanism between Canadian Customs and Transport Canada to properly and effectively enforce the provisions directly related to compliance with CMVSS.
Our recommendations included border inspection procedures, documentary requirements, an independent registrar to police the imports and a national motor vehicle inspection service to provide final safety checks following the vehicle importations.
With our report being well received by the Canadian Parliament, we were requested to give professional testimony during the Parliamentary proceedings with the House of Commons. Our testimony and reporting became public record and the bill was passed which included our recommendations.
Pursuant to Bill S-8 and Memorandum D19-12-1, these changes are now included within the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Act with the joint enforcement between Canada Customs and Transport Canada. All vehicles are now certified through RIV (Registrar of Imported Vehicles) with final inspections through a national service franchise.